🏮Ruby on Rails

Enveloop provides the Enveloop Ruby wrapper for our Enveloop API. It simplifies configuring and sending messages (email & SMS/text) via Enveloop inside your Ruby on Rails apps.

Provided are some quick docs for setting up Enveloop inside your Ruby on Rails app and interacting with the Enveloop Ruby gem.

Installing the Enveloop Ruby Gem

There are a couple of ways to get started. Using RubyGems, you can install it locally with the following command:

$ gem install enveloop

Additionally, you can add the following to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'enveloop'

After doing so, you can run the following terminal command:

$ bundle install

Using the Enveloop Gem

The Enveloop Gem includes helpful methods to interact with the Enveloop API, including:

  • send_message

  • template_info

We'll talk about how to use some of these methods in the notes to follow.

Configuring Enveloop in your Rails app

This documentation assumes that you have a mostly standard Rails app up and running. Obviously, there are variations to the mailer types you can use -- and we cover some of this, including Devise, on the Enveloop Blog.

Update your Initializer

Add/update the following lines in your respective Rails environments file.

# remember to never include production keys in files you check into repos.


config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :enveloop

config.action_mailer.enveloop_settings = { 

Create an Enveloop Mailer

From your command line, use a Rails generator to create a new Enveloop Mailer.

$ rails generate mailer EnveloopMailer

Modify your Enveloop Mailer to set up a Connection

Now that the mailer is created, you can modify it and add in a custom method, based on your application, to call the send_message method in the Enveloop API.

class EnveloopMailer < ActionMailer::Base

   include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers 

   def new_comment_email(recipient, comment)
         template: 'new-comment',
         to: recipient,
         from: 'hello@myapp.com',
         subject: subject,
            account_url: 'https://myapp.com',
            user_comment: comment


   def enveloop
      @enveloop ||= Enveloop::Client.new(api_key: ENV['ENVELOOP_API_KEY']) 


Send a Message from your Rails app

Now, all that is left is to make a call to send a message, via Enveloop, whenever you need it.


Additional Information

You can find additional information for other methods, sending text/SMS messages, and more by viewing the Enveloop Language page for Ruby.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/enveloophq/enveloop-ruby. Additional information, including license, development procedures, and Code of Conduct are available in the source repository documentation.

Last updated

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